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CLÁUSULA IPSO FACTO E RECUPERAÇÃO JUDICIAL | GONÇALVES | Brazilian Journal of Law and Environmental Management


Cláudia de Lourdes da Silva GONÇALVES, Marcos Alves da SILVA




O presente trabalho aborda a validade ou não sobre a cláusula resolutiva em caso de pedido de recuperação judicial. Para enfrentarmos o problema abordaremos os princípios contratuais, assim como os princípios insculpidos na recuperação judicial. A insegurança sobre o tema e alguns julgados.

Palavras-chaves: recuperação judicial, cláusula resolutiva, ipso facto, contratos, função social, preservação da empresa.



The present work deals with the validity or not of the resolution clause in case of request for judicial recovery. To deal with the problem, we will approach contractual principles, as well as the principles instilled in judicial recovery. The insecurity on the subject and some judged. Keywords: judicial recovery, operative clause, ipso facto, contracts, social function, preservation of the company.


Keywords: judicial recovery, operative clause, ipso facto, contracts, social function, preservation of the company.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/RevPercurso.2316-7521.v2i19.1733


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PERCURSO, e-ISSN: 2316-7521

Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181

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