Are non-operating profits related to dividend policy of companies in the Brazilian electricity sector?

Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva, Guilherme Kirch


The aim of this work is seek correlation between non-operating profits and the dividend distribution policy by companies in the Brazilian electricity sector through their respective payouts. Methodology: Data analysis was performed using Student's t test and ordinary least squares test. Conclusions: The electricity sector stood out from other sectors for having lower non-operating profit, higher yield and lower annual appreciation than other sectors, with no difference in payout. The intra-sector analysis demonstrated an inverse relationship between non-operating profit and payout as well as non-operating profit and yield. Companies in the electricity sector with high non-operating profits are related to lower valuation, yield and payout, and this factor may be a poor prognostic metric for the asset.


corporate finance; Brazilian electrical system; dividends

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Administração de Empresas em Revista, e-ISSN: 2316-7548

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