The purpose of this research is to study the cultural, religious, and linguistic connections between Zoroastrian tradition and Kazakh culture, as well as to identify common elements in language and worldview. Special attention is given to analyzing the historical roots of these connections and their impact on the formation of national identity.
Methods: The study employs an interdisciplinary approach, including methods of linguistic analysis, comparative-historical method, and principles of philosophical reflection. An analysis of lexical parallels between Avestan and Kazakh languages was conducted, examining common elements of religious practices and worldview concepts.
Results: A significant number of lexical correspondences between Avestan and Kazakh languages were identified, indicating the existence of stable linguistic and cultural ties. The preservation of several Zoroastrian elements in traditional Kazakh culture was established, particularly in ritual practices associated with fire worship and ancestor cults. The role of Zoroastrian heritage in shaping the concept of "traditional Islam" in Kazakhstan was determined. The influence of these factors on the contemporary cultural identity of the Kazakh people was analyzed.
Conclusion: The study confirms the multifaceted cultural connections among the peoples of Central Asia. The identified parallels between Zoroastrian and Kazakh cultures reflect the complex nature of national identity formation and highlight the importance of studying historical heritage for preserving cultural diversity in the context of globalization.
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