Artur Aziyev, Nazymgul Assenova, Janat Sakenov, Gulsum Ayapbergenova, Laura Mussatila, Alfinur Valieva


Introduction: This study examines the characteristics of professional self-realization among educational psychologists, exploring the value-meaning foundations of their practice. It also defines criteria to assess self-realization within the professional context.

Objective: To identify the factors and criteria influencing the professional self-realization of educational psychologists, emphasizing the values of passivity and realism.

Methodology: Techniques such as G. Kelly's repertory grid, D.A. Leontiev's life-meaning orientations method, and other diagnostic tools were applied to a sample of 53 educational psychologists in Astana, Kazakhstan. The study considered factors like age, experience, and professional values.

Results: Professional self-realization is linked to age, experience, and passive and realistic values. Key determinants included tolerance, willpower, and the pursuit of meaningful professional goals. Values like financial achievement and prestige contributed minimally to self-realization.

Conclusion: The professional self-realization of educational psychologists is shaped by specific personal and cultural values, as well as by the search for meaning in professional activities. The study provides criteria for evaluating self-realization, covering subjective, motivational, instrumental, and social aspects.


Professional self-realization; Educational policy; Educational psychologist's activity; Value-meaning bases of self-realization; Self-realization criteria

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