Marat Safiullin, Leonid Elshin, Yulia Mingazova


Introduction: Export potential is vital for economic development, shaping a nation’s competitiveness in the global market. This study examines export dependency in regional-industrial complexes within the Volga Federal District, highlighting vulnerabilities under external restrictions.

Objective: To assess risks associated with export dependency and propose state policy strategies to mitigate sanction impacts and promote sustainable development.

Methodology: Using data from 2012-2021, export and production statistics were analyzed to calculate economic sectors’ dependency in the Volga Federal District. Indicators were adjusted to reflect changes in international trade, considering regional economic classifications.

Results: Sectors such as chemicals, fertilizers, and wood products exhibit high export dependency, making them vulnerable to sanctions. The integration of these sectors into international supply chains was analyzed, revealing challenges in redirecting markets and enhancing economic sustainability.

Conclusion: The analysis identified priority sectors for government support. Adaptive policies can mitigate risks associated with trade restrictions, ensuring continued regional economic growth.


Industrial Complexes; Sanction Restrictions; Economic Sustainability; Supply Chains

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