Marina Gennadievna Kruglova, Marianna Nikolaevna Golubenko, Olga Fyodorovna Asatryan, Elena Pavlovna Kabkova, Olga Lvovna Kosiborod


Background: At the present time, popular culture has a predominant influence on the consciousness of youth in the Russian Federation. This is facilitated by the active development of mass media and communication. The Internet is becoming a “cultural mediator”, the development of which is seen as a fundamental continuous transformation of the ways of production and circulation of symbolic forms in modern societies. This is how the mediatization of culture is understood as a process characteristic of modern society. These issues constitute the focus of the presented study conducted by the research team of the Russian State Social University. Objective: The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the effect of popular and art music on the formation of value orientations in contemporary Russian youth. Methods: The object under study is Russian youth aged from 16 to 24 years old. Results: The study identifies up-to-date parameters of youth value orientations formed by 2021. The results of the study reveal that the influence of popular and art music is, in fact, strong, since these phenomena are much more deeply rooted in the social and historical reality than it appears to many researchers and the general public.

Palabras clave

: Popular and art music; Modern youth; Value orientations; Culture

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v6i39.6123

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