Behavioral Model of Healthy Living in a Small Type Housing Complex in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Mithen Lullulangi


This study aims to examine (1) behavioral models of healthy living, knowledge of urban ecosystems, environmental conservation, healthy living, as well as environmental attitudes, commitment, care, motivation, and income levels, (2) the variables that determine the behavior model of a healthy living community, when one independent variable is assessed, and (3) the variable that determines the behavior model when two, three, four, and five independent variables are assessed simultaneously in a small type housing complex in South Sulawesi Province. This is a correlational study with sample areas selected by purposive sampling method, covering Makassar City, as well as Bone and Soppeng Regencies. The sample at each location was 50 households selected by the Systematic Random Sampling method hence, the total sample was 150. The dependent variable was the behavior model of a healthy living community, while the independent consisted of knowledge about ecosystems, the environment, environmental conservation, healthy homes and healthy living, as well as attitudes towards the environment, environmental commitment, care, motivation, and income levels. Data were collected by giving knowledge tests and questionnaires to all samples followed by analysis with descriptive and inferential statistics, the inferential model was Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results showed that people's behavior towards healthy living, knowledge about ecosystems, environment, and healthy home can be classified as moderate, environmental conservation as low, while attitude towards the environment, environmental commitment, care, and motivation are moderate. Meanwhile, the income level, in general, ranged from IDR5,100,000 to IDR7,500,000 in small type housing complexes in South Sulawesi Province. The behavioral model formed when only 1 variable was assessed by the relevant parties includes knowledge about healthy living, followed by 2: healthy living and the environment, 3: healthy living, the environment, and a healthy home; 4: healthy living, the environment, healthy homes, and income levels, and 5: healthy living, the environment, healthy homes, income levels, and environmental conservation.

Palabras clave

Behavioral model, Knowledge, Healthy living, Environment, Ecosystem

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