Halyna Ponomarova, Alla Kharkivska, Larisa Petrichenko, Mariia Andreieva, Viktoriia Beskorsa


Objective: This article explores the development of academic mobility in Ukrainian universities, emphasizing its role in integrating Ukraine into the global educational community. It aims to establish a model based on a cross-cultural approach to enhance students' readiness for academic mobility.

Methods: The research employs a cross-cultural approach to analyze the educational processes at a pedagogical university. It integrates theoretical and empirical methods, including retrospective analysis, synthesis, and a pedagogical experiment, to develop and test a model of academic mobility.

Results: The study identifies socio-historical and socio-cultural prerequisites for academic mobility in Ukraine. It proposes a comprehensive model for fostering academic mobility through cross-cultural education, aiming to enhance students' mobile competence and readiness for international educational environments.

Conclusion: The cross-cultural approach effectively prepares students for global academic challenges, promoting a deeper integration of Ukrainian higher education into the international community. The model developed not only addresses the academic aspects but also emphasizes the socio-cultural adaptation necessary for students' success in global settings.

Palabras clave

Academic Mobility; Students; Educational Process; University; Technological And Methodological Support

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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