Svetlana Berman, Irina Glebova, Alexey Martinov, Liliya Khafizova, Farid Abdulganiev


Objective. This study unveils the outcomes of a comprehensive multiple factor comparative analysis delving into the development and regulatory frameworks governing financial markets across five developing nations: Hong Kong, India, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, and Kazakhstan.

Methods. Employing the index method for computation and analysis, countries were evaluated and ranked based on comprehensive indices for three distinct periods: 2014, 2017, and 2020.

Results. Through correlation and regression analyses, we discerned the intricate relationship between each country’s economic development indicators and the evolving dynamics of their respective financial markets.

Conclusions. These findings have culminated in the formulation of practical management recommendations aimed at enhancing the regulatory efficacy of financial markets.

Palabras clave

Competitiveness rating of financial centers; Financial sector; Assessment of the financial sector stability; Dynamics of the national currency; Stock market capitalization; Average annual return on shares

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v3i45.7076

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