Karine Barmuta, Lenar Zainullin, Vladimir Kurikov, Inna Arkanova, Olga Anuchina, Vladislav Chernov


Migration is one of the phenomena of modern social relations that still has an ambiguous impact on the political, economic, and social situation and affects the security of the country’s citizens, especially in connection with the development of illegal forms of migration. The study aims to determine a variety of threats and negative consequences of illegal migration for the Russian Federation and analyze their impact on the transformation of socioeconomic processes in Russian society, including the security of the country’s citizens. Using methods typical of qualitative case studies, the authors conclude that the consequences of illegal migration to Russia include quantitative (an increase in the number of unwanted migrants) and qualitative problems (violations by migrants in the economic sphere and a compromised sense of security among citizens). They are especially noticeable in times of economic crisis. The phenomenon in question has enormous criminal potential. Therefore, the state cannot ignore this situation and should take appropriate organizational and legal measures aimed at limiting the scale of illegal migration and its consequences.

Palabras clave

Russian Federation; Illegal migration; Shadow economy; Economic crime; Transnational crime; Ethnic crime

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