Tetiana Kronivets, Olena Yakovenko, Yelyzaveta Tymoshenko, Mykhailo Ilnytskyi, Svitlana Iasechko, Maksym Iasechko


Objective: This article is dedicated to a comprehensive examination of the legal underpinnings governing the use of artificial intelligence within educational contexts. It delves into specific aspects, including chatbots, Chat GPT, issues related to chat-based plagiarism, educational simulations, and the impact of AI on the labor market.

 Methods: In our study "The legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence in educational activities", we use a variety of study methods to consider this issue from different approaches and take into account the key aspects that affect the effective and ethical use of artificial intelligence in education. Starting with a documentary analysis, we study the current legal norms regulating the use of artificial intelligence in the educational sphere. By researching the laws of different countries, we identify the main rules and restrictions that relate to ownership of works, data privacy, ethical standards and liability

Results: The article addresses the challenge of chat-based plagiarism and the resulting implications for students and educators. It emphasizes the importance of exercising caution when using information to prevent instances of plagiarism. The increasing prevalence of chatbots and GPT models may tempt students to submit work generated by these systems as their own, yet it's noteworthy that AI tools can also be harnessed for plagiarism detection, ultimately promoting academic integrity. Furthermore, the application of machine learning and data analysis is considered in creating personalized learning programs that cater to each student's unique needs, abilities, and interests, thereby enhancing the efficacy of learning and knowledge retention.

Conclusion: Artificial intelligence stands as a highly relevant topic in contemporary science, with wide-ranging implications across various aspects of human activities, most notably in the field of education. The integration of artificial intelligence into educational practices holds the promise of enhancing the quality, accessibility, and overall effectiveness of education. However, this progress raises the pressing issue of establishing a legal framework for its application in educational settings.The article scrutinizes the diversity of chatbots employed within the realm of education and assesses their functionalities. Chatbots have the potential to serve students by providing access to information and responses to inquiries at any time, enhancing the educational experience.The effectiveness of integrating Chat GPT into educational processes is evaluated, exploring its potential utility for both students and educators when working with textual materials.The article also explores the implementation of artificial intelligence in the form of learning simulations. It discusses how this tool can assist educators in enhancing the quality of instruction and fostering student development. By analyzing student performance data and collecting feedback, AI systems can tailor individualized learning programs for each student, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the educational process and improving the quality of knowledge acquisition.

Palabras clave

Artificial intelligence; education; educational activity; chat bots; GPT chat

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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