Quality education is the fourth goal of sustainable development. The Pirate Bay of Science has taken over more than 48 million journals, and nearly every published peer- reviewed research is now accessible online. According to Article 27 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR), everyone has the right to participate in the cultural life of education and knowledge. All articles owned by researchers and published on the internet do not pay royalties to researchers. In the music and film industry, creators receive royalties for every copy sold or accessed through internet sites. Then, how does the Indonesian Copyright Law regulate the protection of scientific work? The research methodology used is normative juridical, with descriptive-analytic specifications. The research results show that there are exceptions to the Indonesian Copyright Law. Article 44(1) of the Indonesian Copyright Law (UUHC), authors often question this restriction of The Pirates Bay of sciences to educational interests. The restriction on exceptions or fair use in the Copyright Law is interpreted as long as it does not harm the economic benefit of the creator. However, there is no explanation of definitions, criteria and limitations that can be used for work for education as one of the Copyright exceptions.
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PDF (English)Referencias
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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880
Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181