Roman Gabrilyan, Olga Aparina, Fatima Bekirova, Fatima Kontlakova, Ruslan Melekaev


Contextualization: The study delves into the emergence and functionality of mixed legal systems, addressing their growing importance in the contemporary legal landscape. These systems, once neglected by scholars, now command substantial attention due to their unique characteristics and implications. By understanding the context in which mixed legal systems operate, this research aims to contribute to the broader discourse on legal diversity and globalization.

Objective: The primary objective of this study was to consider the features of mixed legal system formation, its features, and the practice of functioning in the modern world.

Methods: This study employs a multifaceted methodological approach to comprehensively investigate mixed legal systems. Drawing from dialectical analysis, historical examination, formal legal scrutiny, and comparative jurisprudence, the research explores the complexities of these systems.

Results: The study shows an increasing interest in mixed legal systems, their heterogeneity, and their classification based on different criteria. The authors discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mixed legal systems, emphasizing their interconnectedness and features of functioning. The authors conclude that further interpenetration of legal systems and legal families is possible in the future, which is largely related to legal globalization.

Palabras clave

legal system; mixed legal system; legal families; legal circles; sources of law; legal pluralism

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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