Abdul Rasyad, Ahmad Tohri, Abdul Latif, Hasanuddin Chaer, Hasan Basri, Isyaku Hassan


This study explains the development of the Tarekat in Lombok from 1966 to 1998, the history of the Tarekat Hizib NW, and the identity construction strategy of Tarekat Hizib NW followers from 1966 to 1998. The historical approach is selected to critically analyze three research questions from primary and secondary sources obtained through literature and oral references. For NW followers, Tarekat Hizib NW constitutes social and cultural identity in Lombok religious life. The role and essential position of the NW congregation through Tarekat Hizib NW in social, cultural, and political life can be from the three main courses. Hamzanwadi (founding father of Tarekat Hizib NW) used them to establish identity and legitimacy in the construction of NW followers' identity, i.e., the educational path (formal and non-formal), politics, and ceremonial rituals (reading of the Tarekat Hizib NW). The long history of the NW organization and the congregation of the Hizib NW congregation within the new order era has provided new awareness as an internal force to redefine, revitalize, and construct the ideal identity of Lombok people's manifestation of cultural and social strategy and adaptation. The Tarekat Hizib NW has powerfully transformed into spirit, a source of information, motivation, and an instrument of integration among the people of Lombok in adapting to the forces of external change to strengthen their internal identity. This study can be a reference in looking at the face of Islam in Lombok in a broader context where culture is an inseparable part. Tarekat Hizib Nahdlatul Wathan contributes internally and externally to the cultural and social life of the people of Lombok and among NW pilgrims.

Palabras clave

Construction Identity, Nahdlatul Wathan, Tarekat Hizib, Tarekat members

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