Yolvi Ocaña-Fernández, Celia Emperatriz Mercado Marrufo, Robert Richard Cucho-Flores, Walter Arturo Quispe-Cutipa, Franco Renato Danós Lezama


Increasingly and with greater frequency, issues related to the biolegal order are being heard before the courts of justice; a fact that requires a high degree of scientific, ethical and legal knowledge. For this reason, the present work is framed in the discursive development and elements of comparative legal methods to deal with the similarities and controversies arising in the field of biolaw and bioethics in order to delimit the field of action and scope. The analysis of biolaw is assumed from the juridical model and its nexus with human rights. The rationality of current scientific-technical contributions, whose contributions are transcendental, is also discussed. Within the applicability, the discourse is extended on a critical issue such as the right to a dignified death or the power to extend life, where different positions in favor and against are exposed, recognizing the importance of the recognition of bio-rights.

Palabras clave

Biolaw; Human Rights; Bioethics; Dystanasia

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