Mekhmet Emin Ikbal Dyurre


Purpose: The article is devoted to the search for a possible resolution of the Kurdish question in modern Iraq. Methods: Author used the comparative, historical and legal methods to research the situations in the Kurdish question in modern Iraq and the Tatar problem in post-Soviet Russia. Results: Aside from general recommendations, the paper presents an approbation of a historical and legal approach to the analysis of the current political situations in various countries. The established questions were examined specifically from the point of relationships between the formal-legal schemes and the historical-political reality believing that this approach will allow formulating the most practical recommendations. Conclusion: The only commonality between the Iraqi Kurds and the Russian Tatars in the ethnopolitical processes of recent times is that they are the second largest and historically important national groups in their countries, and their relations with the title nation are not free from the factor of the burdened heredity of conflicts and other similar factors.

Palabras clave

State structure; Kurdish question; Political activity; Political and legal development.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v6i39.6273

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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