Natalya Volkova, Tatiana Khalilova, Ekaterina Eremeeva, Olga Kukushkina


Goal: The study aims to assess the level of development of the information society in the regions of Russia. The use of digital technology is gaining relevance in many areas and dramatically simplifies the life of a modern person. This has become the basis for the formation of the information society, in which information and digital technology contribute to the emergence of qualitatively novel socio-economic conditions of life. The study of the information society is carried out mainly with regard to each state, while the study of its formation and development in individual regions of the country remains less researched. In this connection, the present study attempts to examine the dynamics of the development of the information society in various regions of Russia. Methods: The study is based on the mathematical method of calculating normalized indicators, the calculation of integral scores, the ranking and comparative analysis of data, and the method of classification. The information society in the selected regions of Russia is examined in terms of the dynamics of change, the status of its individual aspects, and the overall level of development achieved. Results: The results of the assessment and comparative analysis lead to the following conclusions. The development of the information society in each region of Russia has its own specifics. It is extremely difficult to identify common universal trends or patterns of its development in different constituent entities of Russia. Conclusion: In this context, of particular relevance is the development of a regional, rather than national, digitalization policy. The main directions for a regional policy should be determined in accordance with the peculiarities of the dynamics of information society development in the specific socio-cultural and economic environment of the region. Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the key issues and overall state of the region's information society achieved to date compared to other territories.

Palabras clave

Information society; Region; Regional policy; Digitalization; Digital technologies; Internet

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