Alla Viktorovna Trofimovskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna Vershinina


Objective: The following hypothesis has been put forward and confirmed in the article: the system of key performance indicators can be effectively applied in the budgetary sphere, namely, in the state (municipal) procurement. Methods: To confirm the hypothesis, the article examines the regulations governing the issues of state and municipal procurement and the stages of digitalization and also develops a system of criteria for the effectiveness of the system of state and municipal procurement. Results: A system of performance indicators has been proposed in conjunction with digitalization through the regional information unified automated procurement management system (EASUZ) and the contract execution portal (PIK), considering the centralization and unification of forms.

Palabras clave

State and municipal procurement; Efficiency criteria; Centralization of procurement; Execution of state (municipal) contracts; Electronic store; Budget legislation

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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