Debatable problems of the socio-political system of kievan rus: the elite and democracy

Igor Ivanenko, Sergey Potapenko, Maksim Grin, Julian Tambiyants


Objective: The article is clarifying the features of the political system of Kievan Rus in terms of the extent of the spread of authoritarian traits and democracy. The importance of penetrating into the deep essence of our early political genesis, among other things, is dictated by the fact that it will help to understand a lot about the fundamental foundations of the modern domestic political order, including both institutional, cultural and psychological aspects. Methods:  The research involved an analysis of historical sources and the works of experts. Results: It was found that Kievan Rus was already a typical early state in which the administrative apparatus was in the process of formation, while the life of the social majority was regulated through traditional institutions, most of which were rooted in the pre-state period. Conclusion:The authors believe that the main political actor was still not the zemstvo, but the princely power. At the same time, expressions of the people's will often occurred in the form of a mass emotional impulse, regulated for certain rational purposes. People's decisions were made largely on an ochlocratic basis, and therefore they were not always successful.

Palabras clave

Druzhina; Early state; Politogenesis; Princely power; Statogenesis; Veche institute

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