Pavel Pashkov, Gennady Degtev, Irina Gladilina, Svetlana Sergeeva


Objective: Improvement of the efficiency of state-funded organizations in times of crisis and the need to reduce costs are popular topics widely discussed among researchers in the field of budgeting. The aim of the study was to improve the efficiency of managing the working time of specialists in procurement. Methods: During the course of the study, the Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) method was used to estimate the probabilistic nature of the length of work of contract department staff. Results: The paper reports the results of using criteria for rationing the working time of procurement specialists, which allow reducing the costs associated with the organization of procurement. Conclusion: Transitioning to an efficient procurement system focused on the minimization of labor costs requires the workers to comply with the respective appropriate regulations and labor intensity control.


Public procurement; Labor rationing; Optimization of labor costs; Working time; Procurement efficiency; Customer.

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