Code of Conducts: Leadership Wisdom in the Buginese Lontara Latoa as Indonesia’s Local Genius

Nur Alim, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Irwan Abdullah, Hadi Machmud, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin


The manuscript Lontara Latoa, a compilation of the sayings and records of Buginese kings, has provided a source of local wisdom through its linguistic codes of conduct. This article analyzes the relevance of this manuscript's linguistic codes, particularly those dealing with leadership, in modern Buginese life. It maps the leadership values contained within the old Buginese-language text Lontara Latoa, showing that these values remain relevant and can be actualized to promote the betterment of modern Buginese society. The values contained within Lontara Latoa can inform how leaders are selected amongst the Buginese. The linguistic codes contained within the text have provided the Buginese with an enduring local wisdom. As such, this article recommends a broader examination of the linguistic codes within the text, as this can provide a means of improving global ethics.


Linguistic codes; Local Wisdom; Buginese Lontara; Leadership

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