Malika Alieva, Zamira Sheripova


This article explores the intricate task of translating the concepts of freedom and happiness across languages, shedding light on the linguistic strategies employed in this challenging endeavor. Recognizing the cultural nuances embedded in these abstract notions, the study delves into how translators navigate linguistic landscapes to accurately convey the rich connotations associated with freedom and happiness. Drawing on examples from various languages, the article examines the subtle shifts in meaning and perception that occur during the translation process. It analyzes the impact of linguistic choices, such as word selection, syntactic structures, and cultural references, on the faithful representation of these fundamental concepts. By unraveling the complexities of translating abstract and culturally bound ideas, this research contributes valuable insights to the fields of translation studies and cross-cultural communication. Ultimately, the article aims to enhance our understanding of the linguistic strategies employed in conveying the profound concepts of freedom and happiness across diverse linguistic and cultural contexts.


Global perspectives; Comparative study; Translation; Linguistic strategy

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Revista Relações Internacionais do Mundo Atual e-ISSN: 2316-2880

Rua Chile, 1678, Rebouças, Curitiba/PR (Brasil). CEP 80.220-181

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