Aida Nurutdinova, Natalia Kuznetsova, Anastasya Sadrieva, Dmitry Dontsov, Ekaterina Arzamasova, Elena Koneeva


Objective: This study aims to explore the development of volunteering as a socially significant phenomenon and its role in aiding students, particularly those in medical fields, to acquire competencies relevant to their professional growth and career preparation. Methods: An empirical study was carried out employing qualitative data collection methods. A substantial amount of material was analyzed, including academic articles, conference proceedings, and websites related to volunteer movements. Results: The study identifies key aspects of how volunteering in hospitals serves as a crucial stage in the professional, career, and personal development of medical students. It highlights the benefits of volunteer work in providing practical experience and enhancing skill sets relevant to their future careers. Conclusion: Volunteering in healthcare settings emerges as an integral part of medical students' education, fostering their professional and personal growth while addressing important societal needs, particularly in preventive healthcare. The findings underscore the value of incorporating volunteer work into medical training programs to better prepare students for their future roles in the healthcare industry.


Volunteerism; Volunteer movement; Professional activity; Professional qualities

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