Tatyana Golubeva, Irina Korotaeva, Raziуat Rabadanova, Olga Kovaleva


Objective: The article considers the mass introduction of distance learning technologies and their impact on the constitutional right to education. Currently, new technologies are being introduced into the educational environment, which transfers many educational processes into a remote format. Besides advantages, such innovations also carry certain risks for the guaranteed constitutional right to education. The study aims at analyzing the mutual influence of distance learning technologies and the constitutional right of a citizen to education. Methods: The authors of the article cover the main scientific approaches to the existing issues of distance learning technologies. Results: Organizational and legal support for the introduction of distance learning technologies were analyzed during the course of the study. Special attention was paid to the possible impact of remote technologies on the implementation of constitutional rights and the advantages of these technologies. Conclusion: The authors concluded that these technologies should be used along with traditional education, and citizens should be given a choice, which will be one of the guarantees of the right to education. As a result, possible directions for the development of the institution for implementing the constitutional right to education in the conditions of digitalization of state and society were highlighted.


Distance learning technologies; Legal regulation; Limitations on constitutional rights; Implementing the right to education; Selecting an educational format

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