Tatiana Grigorievna Bondarenko, Juliya Sergeevna Tsertseil, Natalia Alekseevna Prodanova, Alexander Evgenievich Polyanin


Background: The paper presents the dynamics of development of SMEs in the Russian Federation. Objective: The purpose is to study the dynamics of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation for the period 2007-2021 taking into account the implementation of state support measures. Methods: The study is based on the analysis of statistical data on the development of small and medium-sized businesses of the Russian Federation, presented by the Federal State Statistics Service, as well as the Unified Register of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of the Russian Federation for the analyzed period, and also shows the dynamics of changes in the main macroeconomic indicators in the context of investment processes, presented Federal State Statistics Service. Results: As part of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2017 No. 208 “On the Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030” (http: // as one of the main tasks for the implementation of the direction related to ensuring sustainable growth of the real sector of the economy, support for high-tech small and medium-sized businesses is highlighted. SMEs are called upon to form business networks in certain territories (regions) that contribute to strengthening the processes of cooperation and interaction, on the one hand, and strengthening competitive relationships, on the other. Conclusion. As a result, based on the data obtained from the study, the formation and implementation of state support measures is an integral element in the development of SMEs in the Russian Federation.


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs); State national project, Funding volumes; Territories

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