Rocío Del Pilar López-Narváes, Elder Jaime Miranda Aburto, Humberto Edgar Valle Mendoza, Yrene Cecilia Uribe Hernández


Due process is fundamental in determining the sentence for crimes such as femicide. The Superior Court of Justice is one of the entities responsible for ensuring compliance with due process. Therefore, it is important to determine the violation of due process in this institution. Through the cases that have been studied, it has been demonstrated that the preparatory investigation stage ends with very few elements to be taken into account. This represents a certain vacuum in that the attempt on a woman's life cannot be criminalized. In other words, terms such as homicide and aggravated homicide are not taken into account. This scenario is due to inefficiency in the investigation sector and the lack of specialized legal operators.


Feminicide; Due Process; Stages of the Criminal Process.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v6i39.6298


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Brazilian Journal of Law and International Relations e-ISSN: 2316-2880

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