T. Lembong Misbah, Khairun Ashura, Dicky Wirianto, Masrizal Masrizal, Edhy Rustan


The motivations and models for nurturing and internalizing Islamic ideals for converts to Islam in Banda Aceh are described in this article. The research method used is qualitative with an analytical knife approach using the pattern of Da'wah Fardiyah (Interpersonal Da'wah). The findings revealed that, structurally, the development of converts to converts is carried out by the Government of Banda Aceh, through the Islamic Shari'a service, Baitul Mal and the Ministry of Religion (externally). Meanwhile, the internal guidance assistance is carried out by the Formula (Forum Mualaf Aceh), which has now changed its name to the association for the study of the Persatuan Mualaf Aceh Sejahtera (PMAS). There is no valid data on the number of Mualaf in Banda Aceh City till now. However, the data collected from the field indicates as many as 110 households, or 400 people, and 50 of them are being given coaching on Islam guidance. However, for Mualaf to strengthen their aqidah, it is given that full scholarships include school tuition and school supplies (clothing, books, and other necessities) by being deposited in Islamic boarding schools in partnership with the Aceh government, namely: Pesantren Darul Ikhsan in Gampong Siem, Darussalam Sub-district, Pesantren Baitul Arqam in Gampong Tumpok Blang, Kuta Makmur Sub-district, Sibreh, and Pesantren Daruzzahidin in Gampong Lamceu, Kuta Baroe Sub-district, Aceh Besar. Given the importance of strengthening the development of Mualaf, colleges, as part of community service in the Tridharma of Higher Education, are required to establish a community center for Mualaf at FDK UIN Ar-Raniry which is engaged in strengthening the capacity of Mualaf to realize their dreams of becoming strong Moslems in aqidah, worship, and muamalah (social interactions) based on the Qur'an and Hadith.


Fardiyah Da'wah, Development Models, Mualaf, Colleges, Structuring

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