Evgeny Egorov, Vladimir Kovalenko, Nikolay Kovalenko, Lidiya Davydova, Aminat Magomedova


Aim and subject. The article examines the impact of digitalization on the sustainable development of commercial clinics in Russian regions, considered as a factor in ensuring regional economic security and socio-economic sustainability. The challenges and opportunities in the stated field are analyzed and the solutions are given. Materials and methods. The study is based on the hypothesis that digital tools have a direct and significant impact on the sustainability of social organizations such as commercial clinics. An empirical assessment of the hypothesis included the calculation and comparison of integral indicators of the economic sustainability of commercial clinics and the level of their digital maturity using methods developed by the authors. Results. The presence of regional differentiation in terms of sustainable development of commercial clinics, correlating with differences in the level of digital maturity, is shown. It is proved that digital technologies can significantly improve the quality of medical services and optimize clinical processes, but their implementation may also face certain problems, including high costs for equipment upgrades and staff training, combined with data security threats. The authors propose to use innovative management methods, activate investments attraction, and develop information security strategies to solve the relevant issues. Conclusions and recommendations. For commercial clinics it is important to adapt to new technologies which should allow Russian commercial clinics to ensure successful functioning within the framework of the social sphere, also contributing to the economic sustainability of regions.


Commercial clinics; Economics of the social sphere; Sustainable development; Digital tools; Digitalization of commercial clinics; Digital maturity of social organizations

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