
The relationship between Acehnese women and the conflict has become an exciting discourse to be studied more deeply. It is inseparable from the struggle of Acehnese women, who are known to be mighty on the battlefield against the invaders. This research argues that the character traits of Acehnese women in the context of conflict have changed. In the past, Acehnese women appeared to be icons of war heroes and now tend to be in the ‘grey area’, not being extreme in showing resistance or being the initiators of peace. This research attempts to elaborate on the conditions that allow these differences in character to occur. The researchers argue, by using research data collected from documentation and interviews, it is concluded that women are closely correlated with peace. Women have great potential to bring about peace. This research shows that this condition is influenced by gender subordination, limiting women’s space for movement. The surrounding community seems to place the issue of war and peace in the domain of men. In addition, the absence of gender-wise policies should be considered an obstacle to the emergence of Acehnese women as pacifists.


Acehnese women; War; peace; Conflict; Gender

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v4i37.6006


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