The purpose of the article is to conduct a content analysis of the opinions of Russian experts on the possibility of introducing liability for non-participation in elections in the Russian Federation. The authors used a specialized subgroup of content analysis - media content analysis- as scientific research method. The article's authors conclude that in the Russian Federation, the introduction of a fine for failure to appear at a polling station is discussed only at the level of an idea. Experts' opinions can be divided into 4 groups: the group of experts has a positive attitude to introducing a fine for failure to appear at the elections; the group of experts has a negative attitude to introducing a fine for failure to appear at the elections; the group of experts notes the conditions, in which it will not be necessary to introduce a fine for failure to appear at the elections («should not be introduced in those regions where the electorate is quite active»; and finally the group of experts does not see the prospect of a legislative initiative on the introduction of a fine for failure to appear at the election.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21902/Revrima.v3i36.5999
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