
Background: The article considers the features, types, and forms of the spatial interaction network that arise during forming and functioning of world-class scientific and educational centers. Aim: The authors determine development scenarios of new forms of spatial-interaction network, which involve interaction within the framework of a research and educational center, and the development of regional, interregional spatial interaction network between research and educational centers in priority areas of the development of the science and technology complex of Russia. Results: A presented model of the spatial interaction network within the framework of research and educational centers assumes the active participation of society in the innovative activities of research and educational centers through social networks and public associations. The features of regional and interregional spatial-interaction networks are considered, and the effectiveness of these spatial network collaborations is evaluated. Conclusion: A proposed model of the spatial interaction network of research and educational centers consists of three main blocks of the spatial interaction network of research and educational centers which contribute to the development of a single innovation space and the spread of innovations in the country. 


Innovative structures; Network structures; Research and educational centers; Spatial-interaction network; Socio-economic system

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