Methods for estimating the human life value considering future generations

Tatiana Tikhomirova, Nikolay Tikhomirov


Objective: The objective of the study was to consider approaches and methods for estimating the human life value and the loss of living years caused by premature mortality in different age individuals. Methods: The authors studied approaches and methods based on a comparison of induviduals’ economic performance and consumer spending, consumer spending, the willingness to pay for reducing mortality, and to indemnify its consequences. Results: The authors suggest the directions of refinement of economic estimates of the consequences of mortality of males and females, related to the differences in their involvement in the formation of future generations, as well as give examples of estimates of living cost of males and females of different ages in Russia comparing with similar indicators in developed countries. The features of the use of these assessments in justifying the effectiveness of various types of measures to ensure human life safety are considered.


Annual living cost; Human capital; Exposure fee; Risk-reducing costs; Probability of death and birth

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