Sergey Lochan, Tatiana Rozanova, Rita Stytsiuk, Olga Artemyeva, Irina Kovalyova


Objective: This research delves into the planning of advertising and public relations (PR) activities within the realm of children's recreation and tourism in Russia.

Methods: The research methodology integrates data from multiple sources, including government reports, academic studies, and industry-specific data. It encompasses the analysis of market trends, qualitative and quantitative assessments of advertising and PR methods, and insights from sociological surveys and media analysis.

Results: The study reveals the structure of the children's recreation and tourism industry in Russia, encompassing a variety of camp types. Despite the large market, the degree of saturation remains insufficient, and there is substantial untapped potential. Market analysis indicates that many parents opt for alternatives to children's camps, making them a potential target audience. However, only 64.6% of potential demand was satisfied in 2018. In terms of financing, parents bear the majority of the costs, while other funding sources include public funds and enterprise funds.

Conclusion: The research underscores the underutilization of marketing, advertising, and PR tools in the children's recreation and tourism sector in Russia and its impact on policy and management decisions. It emphasizes the need for strategic planning of advertising and PR activities, starting with the development of corporate identity and an online presence. By optimizing communication strategies and aligning them with market trends, the industry can tap into its vast potential and better cater to the needs of children and parents in Russia, thus influencing policy and management directions.


children's recreation and tourism; policy; planning; advertising and PR activities; promotion methods; efficiency assessment

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