Eduard Vafin, Elena Razumovskaya, Sergey Kiselev, Valeriya Vorontsova


Objective: This article examines he potential and resources available within the pension framework, highlighting the key financial mechanisms supporting individuals during times of job cessation or facing significant life risks.

Methods: The study employs a social-dynamic approach, analyzing the components and financial strategies of the pension system through extensive forecasting and systemic analysis.

Results: The study advocates for the adoption of a social-dynamic approach to evaluate and enhance the financial capabilities integral to the pension infrastructure. The concept and categorization of the resources and services within the pension scheme are introduced by the author. The analysis reveals that discrepancies and inconsistencies in understanding the pension framework's composition and fiscal strategies lead to operational flaws, conflicts, and instability.

Conclusion: The study concludes that a revised pension framework must be adopted, emphasizing a hybrid model that incorporates both contributory and capital-funded schemes. This model should enhance the resilience of the pension system, ensuring its capability to meet the demands of current and future retirees and stabilize the financial foundation of the pension provision.


Resource potential of the pension system; Pension provision; Pension services system; Distributive-accumulative pension system; Pension insurance; Joint and several liability

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