Elena Fedchenko, Timur Timkin, Natalya Savina, Dariya Gorohova, Anna Zueva


Objective: This article aims to develop analytical support for the financial controlling system in government bodies of the Russian Federation. The focus is on distinguishing financial controlling from financial management by grouping control indicators into areas such as strategic financial goal-setting, strategic financial planning, budgeting, internal control, and risk management.

Methods: The study employs factorial and comparative analysis, along with a review of existing literature on financial controlling in the public sector. The authors propose specific financial controlling indicators to reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of government activities.

Results: The article identifies and proposes a set of indicators to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of government bodies. Indicators such as net profit of the public sector, investment efficiency ratio, and zero return point from beneficiaries are adapted for the public sector, providing comprehensive coverage of government agency activities.

Conclusions: The authors conclude that the developed analytical support offers a more comprehensive and complex view of the activities of government bodies. The use of indicators adapted to the public sector enhances decision-making capabilities, promoting more efficient management of public resources.

Palabras clave

Government body; Financial controlling; Analytical support; Efficiency of government agencies; Effectiveness of government agencies

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