Irina Anikeeva, Alexander Kalliopin, Natalya Kartushina


Objective: This study aims to explore the role of social media in modern English language education, focusing on how it enhances accessibility and engagement among students. The research seeks to identify the ethical-behavioral aspects that influence students' cognitive interest in learning English through social networks.

Methods: The study employs a mixed-method approach, combining a literature review with an expert survey conducted between December 2023 and March 2024. The survey included 46 experts in English language education, who ranked the positive aspects of using social media to increase students' interest in learning English.

Results: The findings indicate that social media significantly enhances students' motivation and cognitive interest in learning English by providing a convenient, familiar, and interactive platform. Key benefits include improved accessibility, personalized learning approaches, and the ability to engage in collaborative learning activities. Popular social networks like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Telegram, and VKontakte offer various tools that can be effectively integrated into English language teaching.

Conclusions: The use of social media in English language education contributes to a more engaging and accessible learning environment. It fosters cognitive interest, supports independent learning, and encourages the development of communication skills. Teachers play a crucial role in guiding ethical behavior and maximizing the educational potential of social networks.

Palabras clave

Virtual discourse; Ethical-behavioral features; Social media; English language; Cognitive interest.

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