Elvir Akhmetshin, Elena Klochko, Darya Kapustina, Iuliia Iagiaeva, Andrey Baksheev, Irina Gulina


Objective: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of modern international trends on the development of the education system, particularly focusing on the internationalization of universities. The study aims to identify and evaluate the leading trends shaping higher education on a global scale.

Methods: This research employs both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including an expert survey and analysis of relevant literature, reports, and materials from organizations influencing higher education. Data were collected from November 2023 to February 2024, with a focus on the most significant trends in the internationalization of universities.

Results: The study identifies three leading trends in the global development of higher education: government and international initiatives supporting internationalization, the creation of network value through university-business cooperation, and the development of educational Internet technologies such as massive open online courses (MOOCs) and virtual reality (VR). These trends significantly impact the internationalization of universities, with government initiatives being the most influential.

Conclusions: The research highlights that internationalization, driven by government initiatives, digitalization, and university-business collaboration, is a key global trend in higher education. The findings suggest that internationalization offers direct financial benefits for universities and plays a crucial role in shaping the future of higher education.

Palabras clave

Higher education; Internationalization of universities; Cooperation between universities and business; Medical education; Massive open online courses; Virtual reality

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