Marina Vinogradova, Nadezhda Malchukova, Svetlana Kulikova


Objective: The objective of this study is to explore pedagogical strategies aimed at increasing motivation to study mathematics among future agricultural engineers. The research focuses on enhancing the quality of mathematical education and preparing students for the technical disciplines integral to their engineering training.

Methods: The study was conducted at the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals between 2018 and 2020. A contextual learning approach was used, involving 143 students across different engineering disciplines. The research was carried out in three stages, each designed to progressively build students' mathematical competence and integrate practical, applied learning experiences.

Results: The study demonstrated that the implementation of contextual learning significantly increased students' motivation to study mathematics. By the end of the third stage, students showed improved analytical, logical, and critical thinking skills, essential for their future professional activities. Additionally, the study revealed that students became more engaged and less anxious about learning mathematics when they understood its practical applications.

Conclusions: The findings suggest that contextual learning methods are effective in enhancing mathematical motivation and competence among future engineers. This approach not only bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application but also prepares students for the challenges of their future professions.


Mathematics; Contextual learning; Technical disciplines; Research activities; Pedagogical conditions; Student

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