
Objective: The article discusses the novelties of the legal regulation of budget planning, public debt management, and inter-budgetary relations as mechanisms for balancing the budget system. The purpose of the study was to establish and substantiate new legal phenomena aimed at optimizing the budget deficit of the meso-level of the budget system. Methods: The method of legal analysis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the practice of its application, as well as the analysis of legal doctrine, historical method, and techniques of complex interpretation of legal phenomena and institutions, were used to achieve the goal.  Results: As a result, the trend of expansion in the conditions of economic turbulence of administrative mechanisms to ensure the equilibrium of the budget system was justified. Such mechanisms include the rating of the subjects of the Russian Federation, strategic planning, and the "model" budget. Conclusion: The emphasis has been placed on the fulfillment by these mechanisms of the function of stimulating the investment-active behavior of the subjects of Russia. The formulation of the principle of budget equilibrium of the budget system for inclusion in Article 33 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation has been proposed.


budget system; economic turbulence; equilibrium of the budget system; subjects of the Russian Federation; budget planning; inter-budgetary relations

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