
Objective: The article discusses the regulatory and legal possibilities for the development of supranational regulation of eHealth in the EAEU. Results: The authors identify common problems of current regulation in individual EAEU countries and propose to establish basic ideas, principles, and provisions at the level of laws with the delegation of the right to regulate public relations at the executive level at the first stage, which will allow creating effective legal regulation that meets modern requirements. Following the results of the approbation of legal regulation, it will be necessary to consolidate at the level of legislative legal acts provisions that contribute to the development of digital healthcare. Conclusion: The authors conclude that the formation of a supranational digital contour in the field of healthcare is possible only after the formation of the main elements of digital healthcare in the EAEU countries (in particular, electronic document management, information systems, etc.).


eHealth; legislation of the EAEU; legislation of the Russian Federation; digital medicine

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